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Create a multi-purpose study room that makes work enjoyable.
If your study room has a double life as a guest bedroom or storage area, you’ll need to describe where the work area starts and ends – otherwise you may find yourself sleeping when you should be working. Does your desk face a wall? Painting that wall a single colour that stirs up your creativity will help to describe the study room from the rest of the room. Your brain may even start to associate work with that particular colour.
If you share your room with a sofa bed, a few personal touches like a beautiful painting, a vase of fresh flowers or a framed photograph will ensure the room is always ready for guests (even those who turn up unexpectedly). Studies certainly end up filled with various items, so ensure you have plenty of storage selections. Open shelves are a great way to display your favourite things - and an easy way to give your study room a boost of personality.
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