Grey kitchen cabinets

Looking for an exciting makeover or saving up for a new kitchen? Taubmans Paint gives you a budget-friendly way to transform your kitchen cabinets. The paint is also hardwearing and easy-to-clean, so their new look will last.

You’ll need:

  • Taubmans Paint for kitchen
  • Dust sheet
  • Screw driver
  • Masking tape
  • Degreaser
  • Cloth
  • Sand paper and sanding block
  • Paint stirrer
  • Paint tray
  • Brush
  • Roller


Wiping kitchen cabinets
  1. Put down dust sheets to protect your flooring, worktops and any furniture nearby that you can’t move. Remove any doorknobs and handles, and protect hinges with masking tape. Give your kitchen cabinets a thorough clean with degreaser and wait for them to dry.
  2. Gently sand your cabinets with fine sand paper to create a smooth painting surface. For large flat areas, using a sanding block will help give a consistent finish.
  3. Mask up any areas where the cabinets meet walls, flooring, skirting, appliances or worktops.



Painting kitchen cabinets

When you’re using Taubmans Paint, there’s no need to apply primer to your surfaces: you can go straight in with your top coats, saving you time and money.

  1. Give your paint a good stir, pour it into the paint tray and you’re ready to get started. First, cut in around the edges using a brush.
  2. Then, use a roller to paint larger surfaces and then allow the paint to dry for the time recommended on the back of your tin before applying the second coat. When applying your second coat, try to roll in the opposite direction of your first coat to help achieve a consistent finish.

    Top tip: In between coats, simply put your brush and roller in a plastic bag to keep them moist and you’ll be able to use them again for your next coat without having to wash them.
  3. Let your doors dry thoroughly before opening and closing them. If you are also painting the insides of your cabinets, it’s usually best to do one side at a time.


  1. Once your second coat is completely dry, you can remove the masking tape and put your doorknobs and handles back on to your beautiful cabinets.
  2. Remove as much paint as you can from your brush, roller and tray and give them a thorough wash in water. There’s no need to use white spirit, as Simply Refresh is water based.
  3. Firmly close your paint tin and store it in a dry and frost-free environment.

Looking for some kitchen cabinet color ideas that will wow? Take a look at these kitchen makeovers.