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Read our eco-friendly guide to cleaning and storing paintbrushes.
1) In the middle of a painting project and want to keep your brushes fresh overnight? In this case, there’s no need to give them a thorough clean. Simply wrap the head of your paintbrushes and roller in cling film or secure in an airtight plastic bag. Seal around the handle with masking tape and store in a dry place for up to two days.
2) Once you’ve finished painting, it’s now time to give your brushes and rollers a proper clean. First, scrape off as much paint as you can.
3) If you’ve been using water-based paint, simply soak your brush or roller in warm water for about 2 hours. Dry with a clean cloth and store in a dry place for future use.
4) Using solvent-based paints? Pour a small amount of solvent-based cleaner (this can be found at your local hardware store) into a small jar or container and work the brush against the sides to get the cleaner into the base of the bristles. Soak for about 2 hours, dry with a clean cloth and store in a dry place for future use.
5) You shouldn’t pour solvents down the sink, so after you’ve finished cleaning your brushes, pop a lid on your jar or container and leave for 24 hours. Once the paint has sunk to the bottom, you can tip the remaining solvent cleaner into the bottle for future use. Leave the paint to fully dry in the jar before disposing in the bin. Try to use a small jar or container as possible to keep the solvent use to a minimum – the planet will thank you!
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